Friday, December 21, 2012

Pre-K Christmas party

Today was Kelly's party at school.  She was so excited she got up and got ready to go this morning before Jacob and I even woke up!  She had her outfit picked out for a week and asked for me to curl her hair so she could look like a "Christmas Princess"! I even painted her nails red ;) 

 Austin was also very excited that he was going to go to the party too.  Kelly asked that he wear his shirt like her so they could match. 

The kids watched The Grinch while the party was set up.  Not sure how much of it was watched because the kids were too busy watching what we were doing.  Austin and his hair was a big hit with Kelly's classmates.  Everyone gathered around him and had to touch his hair. We got to see just how protective she is over her little brother.  He got overwhelmed by all the kids a few times and escaped to Daddy's shoulders. 

It was neat to see Kelly interact with all her friends and to finally put faces to the names we hear all the time.


After the kids ate all their goodies they sat on the carpet for a book exchange.  Everyone was asked to bring in a wrapped book to give to another child. 

Ms. Powell put the books in the middle and they went around the circle and got to choose which one they wanted. It was funny to watch some of the kids pick out their gift, it was a hard decision for some.




After the party we got to take Kelly home early.  I'm so ready to have my girl home with me and have fun with both my babies for two weeks.


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