Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lowe's Build & Grow Fire Truck

The kids have really loved going to the Lowe's Build & Grow workshops.  This Saturday we made a fire truck.  Austin loves fire trucks and was super excited about this project!

Lowe's even had a fire truck come by so the kids could check it out!

The firefighters were so nice and explained all about the truck.  Austin and Kelly loved it!

The kids have talked about this workshop all weekend.  I say it was the best one to date!  

I highly recommend doing this with your little ones!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Labor Day weekend Wild Animal Safari

We wanted to do something different with the kids, so we set off for Pine Mountain and took them on a wild animal safari. 

We drove our own car through the park (twice) and got to 

see and feed all kinds of animals.  The kids loved it.

Some of the animals came right up to the car...

And some came in the car!

This is a Zedonk- half zebra, half donkey

This guy did not want to move, and didn't let us by for a few minutes!

When we got through going around the park the second time we found out that there was a part for you to walk around that was more like a zoo.

This baby giraffe was so cute, she was only a few days old!